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improvement was small but exciting.  This may lead to further discoveries.

Cervical range-of-motion testing predicts disability after whiplash injury.  Neurology 2001 56:1637-1643.  141 individuals with acute whiplash injury and 40 controls were examined and interviewed at the time of injury.  They had the amount of movement in their neck measured as well as the pain intensity and neurological deficits.  The cervical range of motion at injury was very sensitive at predicting disability after one year 73% and if present was 91% specific for whiplash.   If combined with the pain intensity and neurological deficits was 94% accurate and 99% specific.  The disability prediction was not influenced by a lawsuit being initiated within a month.

Long-term smoking increases risk of MS in Women. American Journal of Epidemiology 2001 154:69-74.  It is not exactly known why smoking increases the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, maybe it's the increased chance of respiratory  infection leading to direct toxic damage.  However, the risks that current smokers develop MS is increased 60% compared with non-smokers.  Former smokers have a 20% increased risks.  Therefore, don't smoke.

Implanting a wire stent for new stroke after carotid surgery is safe and improves outcome.   Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2001 37:2074-2079.  A group of European doctors performed this additional operation in 1.3% (a small number) of the patients who had the initial operation.  Of those that were treated with

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