The 1990's was the decade of the Brain. Many sites have been planned for "A Neuroscience Center" but most have failed. Discover the "Pearls and Pitfalls" before you take the plunge. Sample Neuroscience strategies are available. Find out what it takes to make a "Center of Excellence" for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, Back and Neck Pain, Brain Tumors, Epilepsy and Movement Disorders, Learning & Knowledge Acquisition Process, Osteoporosis, Pain, Rehabilitation, Severe Head Injury and Brain Injury, Spinal Injury and Stroke. Centers can be profitable and do increase the standard of care for the patients. Learn how to involve the whole community of medicine increasing the overall success.
Is it possible to make an integrated health care delivery network? The essentials can be presented as well as the mountains that must be climbed. Even Mt. Everest has been scaled. We have draft protocols that would be customized to the individual area. Communication and relationships are the keys to a successful and healthy doctor, patient, facility, ancillary care and insurance interactions. Large networks take years to develop and enormous amounts of capital leading to big rewards. There are also opportunities for very small scale networks, even in single clinics. These networks may take days or weeks to become user friendly, but ultimately may prevent many mistakes, provide for additional patient education and actually save time.
Are you interested in developing a web based product to affect every single American, ask the neuroscience medical experts about what is needed in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery and neuro- rehabilitation and you could be on your way to the next best product since the television.